Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Our Big Boy!
I wish I had some good pictures to go with this post but just some fun facts! I went to the doctor today and had a great check up!! Charlie is weighing in at a HARTY 4lbs 8 ounces! He is in the 60.8th percentile and is measuring about 1 week ahead! Dr. Waterfallen said that is great! Oh, and he has long legs?? He doesn't get that from the Papa/Cotter family so it must be the Harts! He also said he would let me go as long as I wanted but that by 39 weeks he bets Charlie makes his appearance! I hope he is right but I don't want to get my hopes up! He is head down and has dropped quite alot since last time. He said there is alot more room up top when 2 weeks ago I had NONE!! I can't believe it but I feel like there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Been a while....
BOY, do I have a lot to report!! I am sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER but I have been quite busy....well maybe tired and lazy! I think the last time I posted we had just found out we were having a little boy and Travis and I had gone on a shopping spree. I think I was about 16-18 weeks! Well, I've made it to the 32 week mark. WOW!!! I feel about 50 weeks though! In this time we have been working hard to stay healthy and prepare for baby Charlie!! At about 28 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and was not happy about it!! Since then I have embraced it and realized maybe it was a blessing! I haven't gained any weight for over 8 weeks!! Don't worry, the belly is steadily growing...it's pretty much out of control!! On a better note, I had 2 wonderful baby showers! The first was given by my closest girlfriends and I got some WONDERFUL things!!! The next was given by a mixture of family and friends and was AMAZING!!! Again, I got some awesome gifts!! Thank you to everyone for coming and hosting!! I couldn't be more grateful!!
On to the nursery!!! If I do say so myself....IT'S AMAZING!!! Everything turned out just the way I had imagined!! Sometimes I have these wild ideas and realize after that maybe it wasn't such a good plan!! This is not the case with Charlies nursery!! It is picture perfect!! I am putting the final touches on it and can't wait to share the final masterpiece!!! I have gotten so many compliments on it, so thank you to everyone who helped make it a success!
On to the nursery!!! If I do say so myself....IT'S AMAZING!!! Everything turned out just the way I had imagined!! Sometimes I have these wild ideas and realize after that maybe it wasn't such a good plan!! This is not the case with Charlies nursery!! It is picture perfect!! I am putting the final touches on it and can't wait to share the final masterpiece!!! I have gotten so many compliments on it, so thank you to everyone who helped make it a success!
About 28 weeks! Look below at the difference at 31.5 weeks
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Travis's Day Out
Today was a really good day! Lately it seems Travis and I have such different schedules. He is being pulled one way and I in the other! And, on the weekends he likes to do his "man" things and I my "women" things!! We never have "our " time anymore and especially with the pregnancy I'm a big stick in the mud! Well today was different! We started our day at Pet Smart where we had to pick up a new "pooper scooper"!! Needless to say that was not the highlight!! We then headed over to the boardwalk for some shopping and lunching! It's so funny how your priorities change when there's a baby in the works! We walked into the Gap and we both immediately headed straight for the baby stuff! I decided because Travis was shopping with me today he could pick out all of Charlie's new goodies! (We have very different taste) I have to say though that I was impressed with all his choices. We then headed to a few more stores before I got so hungry I thought I was gonna pass out!! We ate lunch at this neat little place called Which Wich? It was a custom sandwich shop with great shakes and cookies. Travis treated himself to a pineapple shake and I stuck with a turkey sandwich! It was yummy!! On the way home we decided to go ahead and pick up the CRIB!!!!! As soon as we got home Travis got to work on it!! He did a great job and it is more beautiful than I expected!! Enjoy some of the pics below! Have a great weekend!!
Hawaiian Shirt and Paper boy hat!
12 month overalls
3 month cozy coat!!
His first pair of corduroy pants
Of course this was Travis's favorite!
Travis sporting the Paper Boy Hat
Mommy's choice!
Mommy's second choice!
Travis at work!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Charles Hudson Hart
I am so excited today because I have picked a name for this sweet little man!!! We will call him Charles Hudson Hart (Charlie)!! I absolutely LOVE it!! It was very important to me to pick a family name!! I am very traditional and wanted his name to mean something! I actually didn't find out till tonight just how strong his name was! I always loved the name Charles and it is my step fathers middle name! Tonight he informed me that he was named after his grandfather (his Mothers father) who was Grandpa Charles Johnson and he was called Charlie!!! I was so excited to hear this!! Hudson hopefully will be the start of another great name! Travis loved this name and it seemed to fit perfect!! We love it!! Charlie might not be here yet but his new wardrobe is off to a great start!! Thanks to everyone who has gotten him these precious outfits!!
Baby Charlie at 15 weeks ( I haven't taken 16 weeks)
Some of Charlies first outfits (Thanks Rozzie, Mel and Kristen)
Thanks Kristen for the cute onesies!
Can't wait to put his name on this one!!
Oldies but Goodies!! Who Dat!
I came across these pictures the other day and realized I had never posted them!! They are too cute not to share!! My brother and sis-in-law always know how to throw a good party!! These were back from the Superbowl and the mascots were everywhere!! Enjoy!
Parson a.k.a P Diddy
P Diddy and J Dizzle (My brother)
Rozzie and P Diddy
T Hizzle and P Diddy
Crazy Uncle Chuck and WooWoo (Wiley)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Happy Mothers Day to Me!
...IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!
I would say I can't believe it but I can!!!! I just knew it was a little man! So Sunday started off a good 2 days. On Mothers day we had everyone over to our house for the first time. I made Gumbo, Mom brought over the bread and salad and Nicole brought yummy stuffed mushrooms! It was all soo good! The Harts were able to join us too after a weekend in Hot Springs! Oh, and MawMaw made banana pudding because we also celebrated Travis's BDAY!! Happy Birthday Travis!! It was a great day. But, mostly I was looking forward to Monday because I had an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby!! I was so nervous but couldn't wait until Monday morning!! I had thought about this day for soooo long. Before I got pregnant, the 1st time, the 2nd time and now here it was!!! I was finally getting THIS DAY!! It was like a dream! When she saw the FAMILY JEWELS I immediately knew!!! I looked over at Travis and he was grinning from ear to ear!! It was such a surreal moment!! We are gonna have a son!!!
Sorry the Pics are so blurry!!!

Sorry the Pics are so blurry!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sweet Dreams!

So believe it or not I have already picked out my crib!!! Whether we have pink feet or blue shoes, this crib is a perfect fit!! My Mom came and checked it out with me and gave her approval!! I also spoke with a close family friend who has it and gives it a perfect 10!!! I'm so excited!! They are holding it for me at Ladies in Waiting and I hope me and Travis can go pick it up tomorrow!! I know it's so early but I'm too excited and Travis loves projects!!!
Now, if it's a boy I may take down the four post!! What a BEAUTY!!!!!
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